Red Sox prepares for second half of the season with Halle41

On Thursday 8th February the Red Sox men and women underwent some performance tests organized by Halle41 to see how fit they are and to see what they can improve on to avoid injuries in the second half of the season and get ready to play outdoor again.

Various tests were carried out focusing on strength, speed, coordination and symmetry between left and right and different muscle groups. While some tests were done in individually, others were done in groups, creating some healthy rivalry to outperform our teammates.

We would like to thank Halle41 for the performance tests and for becoming a sponsor of Red Sox.

If you have an injury, don’t hesitate to contact them and pay them a visit to get back on the field again as soon as possible.

When making an appointment via don’t forget to mention you are a member of Red Sox.


Bei der Sport Physiotherapie Halle 41 setzen wir auf zielorientierte und wissenschaftlich fundierte Therapiemethoden, um deinen Heilungsprozess zu unterstützen und zu beschleunigen. Unser Ansatz ist es, nicht nur Symptome zu behandeln, sondern die Ursachen deiner Beschwerden gründlich zu analysieren und anzugehen. Mit einem Team aus hochqualifizierten Therapeuten, die über Bachelor- und Masterabschlüsse verfügen, bieten wir dir eine Therapie, die auf dem neuesten Stand der Wissenschaft ist.


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